Jason Khanlar
Contact Information
Bloomfield, Pittsburgh, PA 15224-1532
Throughout my entire life I have developed and maintained a passion for computers and technology courteous of my inspirational father. Predominantly I have gravitated towards working with software and technologies pertaining to coding and development as well as creative design. Everyone that I meet and collaborate with is appreciably keen to recognize my passion and expertise working with computers. Similarly I am interested to respectfully recognize the passion of others to engage with such talent by employing my relevant proficiencies.
I enjoy working with PHP, Perl, Python, MySQL, PostgreSQL and BASH to develop server-side back-end programs and applications that compliment client-side user interfaces designed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and Bootstrap.
I enjoy to work with existing developments and designs as well as produce new ones from scratch or using frameworks or management systems and platforms such as CodeIgniter, WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.
I enjoy to maintain and administrate back-end and front-end code, libraries and markup to make use of latest technological developments and standards.
I enjoy to audit and analyze the developments and designs produced by myself and others.
I enjoy to work with open source software and technologies that showcase a natural efficacy and reliability to advance development and design capabilities.
I enjoy to observe and gather data to refine and optimize content and add relevant metadata to attractively appeal to connect providers with consumers.
I enjoy to work with standalone developments and designs as well as with software platforms, managements systems and frameworks.
I enjoy to use softwares and website services to analyze, validate and automate detection and correction of code, markup and data.
I enjoy to reach out and connect with others locally and remotely to share and learn of new technologies, standards and techniques to work efficiently and productively including attending related developer meetups, events and conventions.
I would appreciably enjoy to reach out and connect with you to discuss how I may continue to develop and improve upon my passion with computers and technology.